Dog Field Terms & Conditions

To make sure you have the best experience we request you follow a few instructions to ensure you and your horses safety.

  • By using Tuppenhurst Dog Field facilities, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. Please read carefully


    General Information


    • Pedestrian Gate: The pedestrian gate is not locked; however, a padlock and chain are provided should you wish to secure the gate during your session. The code is **3011**
    • Please ensure the padlock is clipped to the gate but **not locked** when leaving, ready for the next customer
    • Large Tractor Gate: This gate is locked at all times.


    Parking and Site Use

    • Parking at Your Own Risk: Customers agree to use the facility and parking at their own risk.
    • Parking Spaces: We allow two cars per booking If more parking spaces are required, please notify us in advance.
    • Directions to Parking:
    • Enter through the main farm entrance, passing the cafe on your left, the house on your right, and the museum on your right.
    • The pole barn will be on your right. At the end of it, look for the sign to the Dog Field.
    • Please park in designated spaces, as indicated by parking signs. This ensures safe movement for farm traffic, arena traffic, and dog field users.


    Dog Handling & Behaviour

    • Kind Methods Only: We do not tolerate the use of prong collars, pet correctors, or any similar methods
    • Vaccinations: Dogs must be up to date with their vaccinations.  
    • Livestock: Feeding of livestock is strictly prohibited. Please ensure dogs do not taunt horses or sheep at any time
    • Please be aware Horses may bite
    • Toys and Belongings: Feel free to bring toys, but please take them home at the end of your session
    • Supervision: Dogs must be supervised at all times. Do not allow them to dig or damage fencing. Any damage must be reported and paid for before leaving
    • Leads: Dogs must remain on leads until inside the secure field, with gates shut. Dogs must also be on leads when leaving the field and entering vehicles

    Site Rules

    • No Smoking, Vaping, or Drinking: Smoking, vaping, or consuming alcohol is prohibited on Tuppenhurst Farm, including the Dog Field
    • Waste Disposal: You are responsible for cleaning up after your dog. A green dog waste bin is available at the top of the yard (left past the cafe as you drive in or right before the cafe as you drive out, approximately 100 yards from the dog field entrance)
    • Water and Bags: Please bring water and waste bags for your session
    • No Unattended Dogs: Dogs must never be left unattended or tied up
    • Responsible Adult: All dogs must be accompanied by a responsible adult (18+). All children must be supervised at all times
    • Arrival Before Session: If you arrive early or while waiting for the previous customer to leave, please remain in your car or if walking to the field; near the dog field parking area
    • Respect our Working Farm: As Tuppenhurst Dog Field is part of a working farm, please stay within the designated dog field and parking area. Do not wonder around the farm yard or any other areas of the farm for safety reasons
    • Speed Limit: Please adhere to a 5mph speed limit while driving down the yard to the dog field parking area. If walking, please inform us in advance 
    • Picnics: Picnics are allowed, but please take all rubbish home with you. BBQs and open flames are not permitted


    Booking, Rescheduling, and Cancellations


    • Your booking confirmation will be sent via email , please check it for any information and let us know should you need any help with your booking 

    Rescheduling Sessions:

    Requests to reschedule must be received and confirmed by Tuppenhurst Dog Field  48 hours before your session 

    Sessions may be moved within 14 days of the original booking

    A session may only be rescheduled once

    • Cancellation Policy:
    • Cancellations are at the discretion of Tuppenhurst Dog Field
    • Please contact us promptly if you need to cance

    Violation of Rules

    • Breaking Rules: If any rules are broken during your session, Tuppenhurst Dog Field reserves the right to refuse service and ask the customer to leave the premises immediately, with no refund provided.




    Most of all we hope you enjoy your time with us and that your experience is safe and enjoyable for both you and your dog. 🐾


    Please note: These terms are subject to change, and we encourage you to review them regularly. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.